17 March 2025

New Mobility Dog puppy joins Puppies in Prison Programme

Jaspa (right) is beginning his journey to become a Mobility Dog to assist people living with disabilities.


This year a new Mobility Dogs pup will work alongside women in Auckland Region Women’s Corrections Facility (ARWCF) as part of the Puppies in Prison programme.

Since 2008, Mobility Dogs has partnered with the Department of Corrections to deliver the Puppies in Prisons programme. The programme provides prisoners with the opportunity to train Mobility Dogs as part of their rehabilitation.

At just 9 weeks old, new pup Jaspa is already beginning his journey to become a life changing companion and assist people living with disabilities.

Sarah from Mobility Dogs says they are thrilled to have Jaspa join the programme.

“The prison gives us the unique opportunity to socialise and introduce puppies safely into different environments, people and other dogs during a critical period of their development.

“It is especially helpful to have the prison environment available in this early stage of training because, due to the risk of disease from other dogs in the general population, the amount of exposure and places puppies can visit is restricted until they have completed their course of vaccinations."

Sarah says the handlers and the programme can give them a head start with forming a positive association with a range of things that they may not be able to otherwise until much later.

Jaspa will be staying in the programme for the first six weeks of his training. This marks the second time Mobility Dogs have raised a puppy in the programme. Typically, they specialise in the advanced training of dogs from 12 months old, however puppies bring their own level of energy and skills, which is embraced by both staff and the women in prison.

“The companionship with the dogs really helps the women with their rehabilitation process,” says ARWCF Residential Manager Daisy-Fau Tanuvasa.

“I have witnessed so many changes regarding their behaviour and mental wellbeing. The programme creates a huge sense of belonging for them as they progress through their time in custody.”

Prisoners in this programme learn a wide range of skills that assist with rehabilitation and motivation such as responsibility, teamwork, goal setting and emotional regulation.

"Training the dogs gives us a sense of responsibility, purpose, and achievement which has a great impact on our mental health"- a woman in the Puppies in Prison programme.

Mobility dogs are trained to assist with a range of daily tasks, including retrieving and carrying items, opening and closing doors and drawers, pushing buttons for elevators, and even helping with dressing. Each dog can learn more skills to further suit the needs of their human partner.

“We look forward to following Jaspa’s success and celebrating the positive impact this programme has for prisoners, the dogs, and future partners,” says Sarah.