14 June 2023
New staff facility at Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison

The new staff facility at Hawke's Bay Regional Prison
A collaboration with mana whenua and the Department has resulted in a new staff facility at Hawke's Bay Regional Prison. National Commissioner Leigh Marsh, the Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison Management Team and staff were in attendance at the opening ceremony along with Mana Whenua, Ngāti Poporo.
Ngāti Poporo, who had input in the design and development of the facility, blessed it and gifted the name Pūkeko as a sign of it being a safe space for education, health and wellbeing. It is a place of rongoā (retreat), and a place staff can call a home away from home.
The facility, located outside the wire, is the first dedicated staff area built at HBRP, since the prison opened in October 1989. The facility includes a staff dining room, two classrooms, computers, individual lockers, changing rooms, showers, toilets, and a gymnasium.
Prison Director George Massingham highlighted the importance of having a dedicated staff space.
“We want to empower our staff and support their wellbeing, so this facility plays a very important part in achieving this objective.”
Despite having to deal with personal loss and challenges since Cyclone Gabrielle, HBRP staff have continued to manage the safe and continued operation of the site and district.
Ngāti Poporo Chair Traci Tuimaseve says, “We want to look after the whānau who look after our whānau.”
Traci spoke of future collaboration for Mana Whenua and Ara Poutama Aotearoa.
"This building marks the continued solidifying of our working relationship, we maintain our support of Ara Poutama Aotearoa as HBRP implements and integrates tikanga of Kahungunutanga and Ngāti Poporotanga."