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Finding ways to give back - Adeel's story
When Adeel first moved to New Zealand as a refugee in 2018, he was searching for a way to give back to the community.
Staff honoured at NZ Public Service Day Awards
Congratulations to three Corrections staff members who were recognised for their extraordinary contribution to New Zealand at two separate events in Wellington.
Leaning into leadership
"Lean into opportunities, feel the fear and do it anyway, and be your authentic self" are some of the takeaways Caleb, currently seconded as an Assistant Prison Director, had from a programme for emerging leaders in the Central Region.
What does it take to run a kitchen inside a prison?
Gareth, a catering instructor from Invercargill Prison, shares some insights into his role preparing meals for the site, and passing his skills on to people in prison.
Recipient of the 2023 Ria McBride Public Service Award - Carolina
Carolina is a wife, mother and part-time Corrections Officer at Hawke’s Bay Regional Prison (HBRP). She is also the distinguished recipient of the 2023 Ria McBride Public Service Award.
From writing about Corrections to becoming the subject matter
Michelle’s journey with Ara Poutama Aotearoa started with a story much like this one.