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Supporting community work as a probation officer
Probation Officer Robb works specifically with people on community work sentences, supporting them to complete their hours and use their time on sentence in a beneficial way.
Still learning 28 years on
After 28 years working at Corrections, Principal Corrections Officer Karl says that he’s still learning.
It's New Zealand Psychology Week
The week of 13-19 May, New Zealand recognises the contribution made by psychologists to individuals, organisations, and communities across the motu.
Inclusive recruitment workshops
Inclusive recruitment practices are a key focus for Inclusion & Diversity and the Regional Recruitment team in the East Coast, Wellington and Taranaki, Whanganui & Manawatū Regions.
Recognising our librarians
As the guardians of access to books and knowledge, Corrections’ librarians open new worlds to people in prison in an often quiet, but positively powerful, way.
Working together and collaborating as a case manager
As a case manager, one of the key aspects of your role will be to connect with people - individuals in prison, their family, community organisations and others working in the justice system.